Make sure you read the following points BEFORE BOOKING, if you have any questions, feel free to contact Auntie Sian:
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we will be limited to 6 people per group.
Stay in your vehicle, until your allocated time slot.
Please arrive within 15 minutes before your walk start time.
All human's chaperoning their doggies, must be declared when booking a time slot.
You will be allocated an Auntie on the day of the walk, please stay with your allocated Auntie's group throughout the walk. (The dog's can mingle to their hearts content, yay!)
Please keep your dog on lead until you're instructed it is safe to do so.
Address - Make sure you type in BOLTON GATE CAR PARK, Leek Rd.
(The first left turning after the speed camera and then commence under the barrier to gain access to the car park). Feel free to ask Auntie Sian to send you the location directly via Waze or Google Maps, prior to the day of the walk.
Most importantly, remember to have fun and feel free to share any pictures with us after the event! oh, and Merry Christmas xxx